
Instructions for use:

This product should be taken once a day, everyday. Consistency is the key with this supplement. Our long-time users find that skipping a couple days will result in the appearance of a few pimples. Making this a part of your routine will keep your acne away and your mind at ease! Some customers have reported doubling their dose for severe cases and dropping down to one pill a day when their acne is under control.

We believe people should feel confident in their own skin.

We want to provide you with a product that will reduce the stress, time, and cost of skin care. You work hard to look and feel good, let us handle your break-outs.

Mike H.

The developer of AcuClear has struggled with acne since the beginning of high school. Being active in sport throughout his youth and into adulthood meant countless hours in the gym to build the body he needed to compete. However, the bigger he got, the worse his breakouts became on his back, arms and sometimes chest. For years he thought the solution was topical- more showers, different soaps, even more sun. But nothing cured his acne until he looked elsewhere. After years of looking for a solution, Mike finally found the missing link. A simple vitamin blend that finally provided relief. With just one serving a day, everyday, he minimized his acne by 95% and never worries about breakouts again. He has since gone on to share AcuClear with people of all backgrounds and skin types. Mike has been so happy with his results that he wants to share his formula with the world so others struggling with acne can find relief. His goal is to reach as many people as possible to find a simple, cost effective solution to alleviate their insecurities and let them focus on the better parts of life.
